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5 Curly Hair Hacks: How to get curls defined and full of bounce.



Shampoo at a minimum, no more than 2-3 times a week, which most hairstylists recommend. When it is time to shower, make sure to check the water. Depending on where you live, the water may be “soft” or “hard.” Neither is necessarily a bad thing, but for curly hair, hard water IS hard on hair and can dry out and frizz up your curls. Do yourself a favor and get a water softener.


Conditioner is key here if you want to keep your curly locks moisturized and shiny. On days when you are not shampooing hair, it may be a good idea to use a conditioner and then rinse out completely. You can also choose this time to comb your hair with a wide tooth comb while it’s full of conditioner to avoid any breakage. Curly hair is thirsty, so be sure to hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate!



Maybe you have a habit of twirling your strands around your fingers. Well, stop. Touching hair causes it to frizz up, and nobody wants that. The next time you shower, we recommend applying a curl enhancer, like our Curlkarma™ Curl Enhancing Cream, which helps curls last all day while you’re out. Not to mention hair stays frizz-free, and full of bounce and definition. So don’t touch or play with your hair, but do apply a curl enhancer cream before diffusing hair or air-drying.


When your curls start getting sad as the day wears on, what do you do? Before you go out, grab a bottle of conditioning spray and mist until your curls are damp and then air-dry to revive them. If your curls are looking a little coarse, spray some life into them with a leave-in spray like Beautopia’s Detangle Leave-in Conditioning Spray. This lightweight spray is great on dry hair and especially when hair is frizzy. Time to tame that lion mane.


Your curls have had a long day. When it’s time for bed, get into the habit of setting your hair properly for the night. Instead of using a tight hair band, which can cause knots and breakage, use a silk head wrap or scarf to keep your hair saturated. And as if you needed another incentive to invest in a satin pillow, do it now; it will prevent tangling at night. Bonus: it’ll feel so good and luxurious, especially waking up the next morning to find your curls happy, shiny and bouncy.